Feb 10 2022 23 mins
What do you think the typical university student looks like? A lot of the time we don’t imagine ourselves as the ideal student, whether it be because we may not see ourselves on the same academic level or that we don’t see ourselves represented in media covering university experience.
This episode, Sam and Bri talk to current university students about their perceptions of “the typical university student”, where these stereotypes come from, and what supports exist for students from equity deserving groups.
Backstage Pass is funded by an eCampus Ontario Virtual Learning Strategy Grant, and is a collaboration between students, staff, and community members based at Ryerson University (Renaming in process) and York University.
00:45 Intro! What is Backstage Pass?
02:09 What does the typical University Student Look Like? - Student Interviews
10:09 Stereotypes - Where do we get our ideas about university?
17:53 Defining Equity Deserving
21:12 Resources for students in Equity Deserving Groups
22:58 Closing Thoughts and Wrapping Up
Access the transcript and free eLearning modules HERE!
Episode Transcript
eLearning Module
Check out this resource list to find out what student supports are available at Ontario universities
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Follow the Backstage Pass Podcast through @RyersonSLLS on Instagram and Twitter!
Ryerson University (Renaming in process) Content Experts
Meera Govindasamy, Academic Engagement Specialist, Principal Investigator
Andrew Bisnauth, Manager, Student Life and Campus Engagement
York University Content Experts
Kayla Lascasas, New Student Transition Coordinator
Jair Kallidumbil, Manager, Student Life
Student Advisory Committee
Riya Bhatla
Micah Chu
Karanveer Khadra
Media Production Research Assistants
Samantha McNulty, co-host and technical producer
Brianna Roett, co-host and producer
Mariam Ahmed, Instructional Designer
Sally Goldberg Powell, Instructional Technologist
Erica Wu, Graphic Designer
Ali Aird, Project Manager
The included music and/or sound effects from Jamendo and Artlist are used with permission in this project, but the user is not free to remix the content containing music and/or sound effects, extract and use the music out of the context of the podcast or use the music or sound effects offline. All other material is licensed under an Ontario Commons License.1.0.
Please see this citation list for all sound effects and music used on the podcast.