Bold Inventor Show with J.D. Houvener of Bold Patents - Olympic Games and Patents!

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Aug 16 2024 55 mins  

J.D. Houvener owner/founder of Bold Patents talks about the 4 big areas of intellectual property (IP) related to the recent Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games including a solid discussion about copyrights (broadcasting rights, designs, and artistic works throughout the games), trademarks (and how most branding/marketing was done over commercial breaks, and little/no product placement or banners were allowed), patents (sports equipment, software/analysis/AI, shoes, clothing, glasses, and other wearable IoT devices), and trade secrets (the business advantages the IoC and other organizations use and protect).

There is also a Shark Tank critique of "Ski-Z", which is a nod to the upcoming 2-years away Winter games in Italy. J.D. provides his analysis of both patents and trademarks for the product.

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