Jul 23 2023 6 mins
Welcome to another episode of The Just M.S. Show with your host, Justin Loizos! This week, we delve into the most significant multiple sclerosis (MS) stories from July 17th to 23rd. We begin with an in-depth discussion on a groundbreaking study that uncovers the limitations of twice-daily alertness tests in measuring fatigue in MS patients, providing vital insights for future fatigue assessment protocols. Next, we hear the inspiring story of Ida Curovac, an MS warrior who found strength and a new perspective on life through her journey with the illness. We then explore the complex relationship between MS and depression, backed by a study that suggests early depression is unlikely to increase disability in MS patients. In our quest for innovative treatments, we touch upon a cutting-edge research tool developed to fast-track the discovery of remyelination therapies, potentially heralding a new era in MS treatment. To conclude, we discuss a disturbing incident of medical tourism gone awry, a tale of caution for all considering experimental treatments abroad. And finally, we shed light on an encouraging study that emphasizes the importance of initiating MS treatment within the first six months of symptom onset to significantly reduce the risk of long-term disability.
Topic 1:
- Groundbreaking study on measuring fatigue in MS patients
- Understanding twice-daily alertness tests and their limitations
- Implications for future fatigue assessment protocols
- https://www.neurologyadvisor.com/topics/multiple-sclerosis/twice-daily-alertness-test-does-not-accurately-categorize-fatigue-in-ms/
Topic 2:
- The inspiring story of Ida Curovac
- How Ida found strength and a new perspective on life through her journey with MS
- https://sarajevotimes.com/the-story-of-ida-curovac-multiple-sclerosis-takes-away-dignity-but-also-gives-a-new-me/
Topic 3:
- The complex relationship between MS and depression
- Insight from a study suggesting early depression doesn't increase disability in MS patients
- Discussing the role of psychological support in MS management
- https://www.managedhealthcareexecutive.com/view/early-depression-unlikely-to-cause-more-severe-disability-in-ms-patients-study-suggests
Topic 4:
- New research tool to fast-track the discovery of remyelination therapies
- Potential implications of this tool for MS treatment
- Hope for a new era in MS treatment
- https://www.the-scientist.com/news/searching-for-a-direct-route-to-multiple-sclerosis-treatment-71218
Topic 5:
- The dangers of medical tourism, featuring a real-life incident
- Risks and benefits of experimental treatments abroad
- Importance of thorough research and consultation with healthcare professionals
- https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/woman-went-mexico-experimental-multiple-171642573.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJXmwF1aGRy1VsVkziU0EZIhwvY3rhxjUcoL3pX0KnUhHTA46AP5bx-G5kAs1lw3yVs4MTufWuLsxzVVKnbuke2gOYevGamXhrzJKXSPlctqMK1YXUzDge2TdyfjB2ChZAY53d_Tv3xdLVRWqfOD4Tm7CHDnk6swA9EjeV2OM6yj
Topic 6:
- Highlighting an encouraging study on early MS treatment
- The potential to reduce the risk of long-term disability through early intervention
- https://www.healthline.com/health-news/ms-treatment-within-6-months-of-first-symptoms-may-lower-disability-risk#Earlier-diagnosis-supports-earlier-treatment
The Just MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Show, w host Justin Loizos, is a podcast that connects, educates and tries to uplift others living with multiple sclerosis. It provides real-life stories, interviews, and information about DMTs (disease modification therapies) and updates on research developments.