Dec 02 2024 21 mins
Food as Fuel. It takes the right kind, and the right amount, for DKI’s teams to do the hard work of property restoration – which often demands long hours. Matt, Kyle and Ryan Douglas know this, and live by it. (Hey, when the brothers and owner/operators of DKI - CRCS aren’t on the job, there’s a good chance they’re participating in, or leading, a cycling tour for charity). And they want to ensure their teams also have the tools and knowledge to stay fit, and eat right. We sit in on a wellness seminar they hosted, which included a presentation by professional nutritionist Hilary Askew, at their brand new state-of-the-arts headquarters – which, yup, also includes a state-of-the-art gym for its staff.
Music for this episode is “You’ll Find Me” and “Hard Truth” by Close Kicks.