Jul 08 2024 4 mins
As anticipation builds for the 63rd Annual Meeting of the International Spinal Cord Society, Professor Micheal Fehlings shares his excitement with Dr Stolwijk-Swuste, a Rehabilitation specialist and Associate Professor at De Hoogstraat Revalidatie.
Our hosts invite the spinal cord community to this unique event, located in a charming and inspiring venue: A Room with a Zoo at Flanders Meeting & Convention Center, Antwerp.
This 3 day event unites leading experts in spinal cord injury care and research to share groundbreaking advancements and innovative solutions in the pursuit of bettering the lives of individuals living with, or caring for those with a spinal cord injury.
To learn more about our interactive programme and to register your place, please visit: https://iscosmeetings2024.org
The opinions of our host and guests are their own; ISCoS does not endorse any individual viewpoints, given products or companies.
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The SCI Care: What Really Matters podcast aims to provide valuable insights and the most up-to-date information for those providing care to people with spinal cord injury (SCI) worldwide. The vision of the International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) is to "facilitate healthy and inclusive lives for people with spinal cord injury or dysfunction globally".
Contact us directly with any questions or comments at [email protected]