Nov 25 2024 38 mins
In this episode, host Rima Kamal (Wellspect) explores the complexities of caring for children with spina bifida with Dr Fahad Alyami, Head of the Saudi Paediatric Urology Group and Associate Professor at King Faisal Specialty Hospital and Research Centre in Riyadh. The discussion delves into the critical aspects of paediatric care for those with spina bifida, from early intervention to adolescent transition. Dr Alyami explains the importance of bladder management from birth, the challenges families face in daily care routines, and the crucial role of multidisciplinary healthcare teams.
The conversation addresses key aspects of paediatric care, particularly the transition from childhood to adult healthcare services. Dr Alyami emphasises the significance of specialised spina bifida clinics where multiple specialists can coordinate care under one roof, highlighting the development of transitional urology as a subspecialty to bridge the gap between paediatric and adult care. The discussion concludes with inspiring success stories of individuals with spina bifida who have gone on to lead fulfilling lives, including having families of their own, demonstrating how proper medical care and support can positively impact life outcomes.
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The SCI Care: What Really Matters podcast aims to provide valuable insights and the most up-to-date information for those providing care to people with spinal cord injury (SCI) worldwide. The vision of the International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) is to "facilitate healthy and inclusive lives for people with spinal cord injury or dysfunction globally".
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