Jan 23 2025 52 mins
The Kingdom of Heaven is under attack! The enemy is viciously attacking our world, churches, schools, families, and children. They are left wandering through the spiritual rubble with no covering or protection for their future. We are indeed living in a spiritual war zone, and people are badly injured and hurting, even in our church pews.
What should be our response to this crisis? We can continue to ignore it and pretend that all is well, or we can face reality and realize that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds (2 Cor. 10:3). There are some things still worth fighting for! So join our guest, Pastor Brenda Billingy as she shares her personal testimonies of how God answers prayers! If He's done it for her, He can and will most certainly do it for you!
You can purchase the book, Let's Pray for Family Fuel as referenced in the episode on Amazon or download a free PDF on our website.
To learn more about The Trenches Prayer Initiative you can visit our website or email Davenia at [email protected] or Pastor Billingy at [email protected].
You can also join the Facebook Community of Praying Mothers where you can connect with others, be inspired, and share your thoughts and prayer requests.
Today's episode song is Someone Prayed by Angela Bryant (and lyrics inspired by our very own, Davenia Lea). We encourage you to download this song, check it out on Youtube (Someone Prayed ), like it and to share it! We pray that it encourages you!
And as always, Annie and I would love to hear from you. What burning questions do you have for our guests about love and relationships? How has your perspective on love changed your relationship? What's your ideal date night? What's the greatest love song ever? We wanna hear from you! Please share a text below or share your thoughts with us on IG @davenialeawrites, or on FB @annieraney and @daveniajoneslea.
Finally, your reviews mean the world to us, and they also assist us in spreading God's message of hope and victory across the globe! So please leave us a review on your favorite podcast player, on Apple or on our Podcast Webpage Tell us what you think of this episode and we'd also love to hear your story!
Thanks for listening! From our hearts to yours!!
Annie and Davenia