Jan 03 2024 30 mins
Today On Medical Grounds, we will be speaking with return guest Dr. Christopher Colbert, Emergency Medicine physician with the University of Illinois at Chicago, about sexually transmitted infections (STIs), diagnostics in the emergency department (ED), and healthcare disparities.
Active in all forms of digital media, Dr. Colbert also shares his thoughts on having a digital presence as a physician, and the use of new forms of media for medical education. In his many roles at UIC, as an Assistant Program Director for the Emergency Medical Residency Program and Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine, and as Chairperson of Continuing Medical Education at the American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians participating in the Virtual Grand Rounds program, Dr. Colbert has direct insight into the use of digital media to educate and raise public awareness about healthcare.
(00:07) Introduction to Dr. Colbert
(01:36) ACOEP Virtual Grand Rounds
(03:37) Osteopathic and allopathic medicine
(06:39) STIs on the rise
(08:06) STIs in the ED
(09:42) STI standards of care
(10:33) STI resistance
(13:28) STI diagnostics
(18:02) Disparities in the ED
(19:53) Role of education in STI prevention and treatment
(20:49) Role of digital media in medical education
(21:31) What is a "digital presence" for a physician?
(23:17) Staying positive in an online world
(24:50) Role of podcasts and other digital media in education
(25:38) Emerging trends in the ED, the silver lining of misinformation
(27:20) Dr. Colbert's upcoming panel on healthcare messaging
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