Are Christians Required to Follow the Commandments in the Law? (1-19-25)

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Jan 19 2025 57 mins   3

Topics: 613 commandments in the Law, Significance of 10 Commandments, Indivisibility of the Law, Role of Holy Spirit Before the Law, Historical Context of Jews and the Law, Formation of 12 Tribes of Israel, Covenant Between God and Israel, Ratification of Old Covenant Through Blood, Flaws in the Old Covenant Agreement, Purpose of Old Testament Law, Jeremiah’s Prophecy of New Covenant, Jesus’ Descent From Tribe of Judah, New Covenant Through Jesus, Difference Between Old and New Covenants, Role of Gentiles in the New Covenant, Requirements of the Law vs. Faith, Paul’s Teaching on Righteousness (2 Corinthians 5, Romans 6), Romans 6:14 and Living Under Grace, Grace vs. Law in Christian Morality, Jesus’ fulfillment of the Law, Meaning of "It is finished" on the Cross (John 19:30), Colossians 2:16 and Freedom From the Law, Symbolism of the Law as a Shadow, Reality and Substance of Christ, Significance of Transfiguration, God’s Command to Listen to Jesus, Hebrews 1 on God Speaking through His Son, The Spirit’s Ministry after Pentecost, Redemption of Jews from Law, Necessity of Jesus Being Born Under the Law, Understanding Morality Through the Spirit, Insufficiency of Human Effort for Righteousness, Paul’s warning Against Teachers of the Law (1 Timothy 1:7), 36. Abolishment of the Law at the Cross, Ephesians 2:15 Abolishment of Law, Colossians 2:14 Law’s cancellation, Significance of 3,000 deaths at Mount Sinai, Salvation of 3,000 at Pentecost, Law’s Purpose to Increase Sin and Highlight Grace, Inability to Cherry-Pick Commandments Law, Role of Law in Revealing Human Imperfection, Grace as Teacher of Holiness (Titus 2:11-12), Symbolism of Law and Prophets Disappearing, Lasting impact of Jesus’ Fulfillment of the Law, Freedom of Christians From Law’s Obligations, Contrast between Righteousness through Law and Grace, Permanence of Holy Spirit in Believers

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