A Not-So Geriatric Pregnancy: From Miscarriage, Movies to Miracles and a Cameo From A Stay-At-Home-Dad

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Oct 13 2022 75 mins  

We have a special episode for you all. Our one and only co-host, Flo Speakman, is sharing her Delivery Diary with us. She has gained a wealth of knowledge during her own family making journey and would like others to see what’s possible for themselves.
My friend, is a bad-ass, she's the COO, Chief Operations Officer, for an IT company and CRM consultancy, in another life she would have be a doula or mid-wife, but we decided that it's never too late to be her calling. So for now in this episode we get to hear her wisdom regarding being pregnant at 40 or what they say in the medical books: Geriatric Pregnancy, whatever. Braxton Hicks or false labor pains, pregnancy rhinitis, who knew what that was and the good ol' colostrum, or liquid gold that comes from breastfeeding.
We hear about her and her husband, Sid's, resilience from their miscarriage to finding solace in the movies to expanding their family with their baby girl, Audrey. Not so baby anymore, she's a 12-years-old bad-ass too. We also get a peak into how Sid was the best birthing partner and cooked an unforgettable postpartum beef stir-fry that scared the shit out her.
Flo believes nothing is perfect, no birth is perfect but being a little bit more prepared for any possibilities can get you closer to the birth experience you dreamed of or at least what was on that birth plan that you may as well throw out the window or at least label 'flexible'.
Speaking of, check out her Birth Plan on our Instagram page. It's very detailed, ambitious with cute clip art and at least the nurses got a kick out it.

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