May 04 2022 65 mins
John P. Spofford is a retired Firefighter that gave 25 years of his life to the City of Peabody. He holds many talents in his tool belt. He’s your modern Wild Animal Caretaker enthusiast Marlon Perkins. John Spofford is a Firefighter, Mechanic, Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator, Wild Life Advocate and a Professional Drummer. FF Spofford has gone above and beyond caring for wildlife animals and any animal that is either injured or is in need of special care. Whether it’s a Coyote, Deer, Possum, Raccoon or a few ducklings stuck in a storm drain Rehabilitator Spofford finds his way to to help the helpless animal.
John P. Spofford is a licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator and runs the Non Profit Organization.