Jan 19 2024 25 mins
Although we focus solely on New England, we had to have our brother from NY Josh Larsen from Primitive Patriot Outdoors on the podcast
while at HUNTSTOCK 2023! Josh and his team are taking their passion for the
outdoors and their country to the next level whether it's hosting a walleye
series, getting Veterans on hunts, or getting in the field themselves shooting
footage for their channel. In this episode we cover everything Primitive
Patriot and get first-hand accounts from Josh about memorable accomplishments
and experiences that he has endured prior to and during his time with Primitive
Patriot. Thanks in advance for subscribing and supporting Primitive Patriot
Outdoors and below are links to Josh's other social media pages. Thanks Josh
(and Joe) for what you do and coming on the pod!
Primitive Patriot Outdoors YouTube Channel
Primitive Patriot Outdoors IG
Josh's Personal IG