Feb 16 2024 34 mins
2023 was the turning point and foundation of the channel with the support and encouragement from a quality local outdoor industry that is packed with wisdom and experience. In this episode, we briefly recap a few highlights from the year including: the encouragement to get in the expo game from Mr. Dan Kenney at the NH Outdoor Expo, a quality Maine Summer fishing trip at Bear Springs Camps using Crazy Hick Bait Company and Fresh Baitz products, HUNTSTOCK 2023 including winning the 1-of-1 Big Woods Bucks Edition Duren Knife, the high of the hunting season featuring the harvest of a Maine Black Bear with Backwoods Gun Dogs, and general appreciation for the support to start the YouTube channel from a couple local greats including Kyle Bentall from KBB Outdoors and Pat Guyette of HUNTSTOCK and Hunt Suburbia.
We appreciate everyone for a great 2023, for supporting the channel, and for sharing the passion of supporting the local New England's outdoor industry!