Feb 08 2025 30 mins
Aaron Budjen, with Living God Ministries, established his radio program for the purpose of evangelism and discipleship in the knowledge of our Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. The radio ministry began on October 30, 2006. Aaron was studying to be a Jewish Rabbi when he discovered Jesus as the Messiah. He has a PHD in computer science and has done advanced scientific work for the Office of Naval Research and DARPA, as well as repairing circuit boards for computers for Apple and the space industries. He also was a professor at the University of Colorado. His skills as a Tai Chi Master, allowed him to be a bodyguard amongst the world's elites as an Executive Protector and Negotiator. No doubt, Aaron has lived a life worth giving him an ear. He'd say his proudest moment, though, is having a true relationship with The Living God, Jesus Christ.
Saturdays (MST)
@ 5p.m. on AM 670 KLTT
@ 12 p.m. and 8 p.m.
on AM 1220 KLDC Re-aired on KLDC AM 1220 @ 6 p.m. on Tuesdays
Tune in to Aaron's radio program on AM 670 KLTT:
M-F at 9:30 a.m.
M-F at 5:00. p.m.
Learn more: https://www.livinggodministries.net
WEBSITE: https://influencerstv.com/the-corner-cafe
SUPPORT THE SHOW: https://urbanskye.givingfuel.com/rachel-mains
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