Take advantage of the Black Friday Sale! All TTM Programs & Ebook are 40% off till Monday the 2nd.
Today's Q&A topics included:
-splitting conditioning & lifting sessions
-recovering from SFAS
-my go-to meals
-pull volume vs. push volume
-BJJ during selection prep
-land nav practice locations
-curved runner vs. outdoor running
-1:1 coaching updates
-transitioning into speed work from base phase
-when/how to follow my (or any) SFAS prep plan
-metcons: pros, cons, considerations
-ruck walking vs. shuffling vs. running
-grip strength training considerations
-rest days on hybrid program
-training recommendations for firefighters
-SF culture; how to earn respect
-shift work sleep & recovery tips
-nicotine & caffeine access at SFAS
-walking vs. jogging rest periods (repeats)
-value of high daily step count for selection prep
New Program: Jacked Gazelle 2.0
EBook: SOF Selection Recovery & Nutrition Guide
Programs, articles
New Training Team on TrainHeroic: T-850 Rebuilt (try a week for free!)
2 & 5 Mile Run Program - run improvement program w/ strength work
Kickstart- beginner/garage gym friendly
Time Crunch- Workouts for those short on time
Hypertrophy- intermediate/advanced
Jacked Gazelle- Hybrid athlete
SFAS Prep- Special forces train-up
TrainHeroic- App based bodybuilding program
Follow me:
Twitter: @ksterminatortm
youtube: Terminator Training Method
Facebook: Terminator Training
Whichever platform you’re tuning in on, feel free to leave a review! Your feedback is greatly appreciated. The more reviews we receive, the more people the podcast will reach!
Also, if you know anyone who loves fitness and podcasts, spread the word! My goal is to help as many people as I can and cut out the BS when it comes to fitness, nutrition and health.
Look for weekly (or more) Q&A on my stories. I'll answer your questions on IG and here on the