Apr 15 2022 31 mins
"Let's Talk About the F-Words"
Podcast Page: https://entrepreneurssource.com/podcasts/
In this episode of the Possibilities, Options & Dreams" Podcast: Ep-6 “Common Obstacles to Your Financial Freedom” The F-Words, Chapter 3 Your Career 2.0, Melissa, Marissa and Tamara do a deep dive into Chapter 3 of "Your Career 2.0, A Survival Guide for the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome".
Chapter three is all about what holds you back, common obstacles in the way of financial freedom and your financial freedom.
Podcast Page: https://entrepreneurssource.com/podcasts/
Welcome to the top career ownership podcast! Now you can watch or listen on the go to the industry’s most insightful minds on all things business and career ownership. We hope you’ll tune in regularly! Based on the best-selling book for successful and emerging entrepreneurs “Take Ownership of your Career 2.0, A Survival Guide for the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome” POD – Possibilities, Options & Dreams fosters meaningful connections, empowering aspiring entrepreneurs to identify, pursue and achieve their dream of self-sufficiency.
Chances are that you are interested in this Podcast because you are among the 75% of the population that is seeking self-sufficiency. Most likely you have a desire to find a better way and to improve your current situation. Perhaps you are tired of being a victim of the Battered Career Syndrome® or the Battered Investor Syndrome® which keep people going back to hopeless situations with the expectation that this time around they will be different–that the job and the stock markets will go back to the heydays enjoyed in years past.
More in This Episode:
“This is honestly one of my favorite chapters. I’m so excited that we’re talking about it today. What a great title right? We’re going to be talking about F words. And I’m sure some individuals are scratching their head like wait; what kind of F-Words? When individuals embark on the road towards self-sufficiency and Financial Freedom and realize that they can break free from the hamster wheel of corporate America and truly create the future that they’ve always dreamed of for themselves and their families. I think they start to feel emotions that maybe they haven’t felt in a while things like excitement, freedom, right! Having the freedom for their future possibilities, just to name a few. And that’s really exciting. But on the flip side, I think it’s safe to say that the road also includes some obstacles and challenges that they may face. And that’s what we call the F words.” –Marissa Frois
“Fear is a very common emotion, I don’t think we’d be human if we didn’t experience it in some way, shape, or form. But I think the key is to come to terms with the emotion and make sure that we don’t let our emotional brain make decisions for us. Rather, what if we took a fact-based approach and just for a moment challenged what we’re thinking and feeling? You guys have heard what the acronym fear stands for, right: FEAR is false evidence appearing real.” –Tamara Loring
Read more about this episode: https://entrepreneurssource.com/podcast/possibilities-options-dreams-ep-6-the-f-words-020222/