Jun 13 2022 34 mins
Watch Now! Possibilities, Options & Dreams: Ep-10 “Overcoming Obstacles to a Successful Mindset”, Chapter 6 Your Career 2.0
Podcasts https://entrepreneurssource.com/podcasts/
POD - Possibilities, Options & Dreams fosters meaningful connections, empowering aspiring entrepreneurs to identify, pursue and achieve their dream of self-sufficiency. The largest Career Ownership Coaching™ organization for nearly 40 years, The Entrepreneur's Source® (TES) has helped nearly one million professionals explore their career possibilities with our powerful approach to education, awareness and discovery and our unique Income, Lifestyle, Wealth and Equity™ assessments.
In this episode of the “Possibilities, Options & Dreams” Podcast, Melissa, and Tamara, discuss the revolutionary concepts put into a program of action within The Entrepreneur's Source® (TES) which has helped nearly one million professionals explore their career possibilities. Based on the best-selling book for successful and emerging entrepreneurs “Take Ownership of your Career 2.0, A Survival Guide for the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome” POD – Possibilities, Options & Dreams fosters meaningful connections, empowering aspiring entrepreneurs to identify, pursue and achieve their dream of self-sufficiency.
More in This Episode 10: “Overcoming Obstacles to a Successful Mindset”
What Don’t You Want? Often it’s easier to know what you don’t want than what you do want. A good way to begin the search for your Primary Aim is to become very clear about all the things you know you don’t want. Make a list. Don’t stop writing until you’ve written down everything you can think of. There is a basic premise at work here, which says that focusing on what you don’t want creates more of the same. The things you know you don’t want are probably things you think about frequently. You probably play them over and over again in your mind. The result is that you are mentally “rehearsing” them, practicing them, reinforcing them.
What Do You Want? When do you feel most free? What is it that makes you feel most in touch with yourself? What gives you the greatest sense of fulfillment? Everyone has peak experiences. What are they for you? What do you want your life to stand for? What’s really important to you? This is what your Primary Aim is all about. Again, you start by making a list. Think about what you appreciate, what is important to you, the parts of your life you treasure, the ones that give you your deepest sense of satisfaction? If your list fills up with material things, dig deeper. Your Primary Aim isn’t about “stuff.” It’s about being alive.
Tamara Loring:
"It could be a mindset issue that's preventing you from achieving your "ILLWE" income, lifestyle, wealth and equity goals need to expect these expectations. Sometimes we don't even understand the poor habits that have snuck into our lives. But we're kind of frustrated, why aren't we moving forward. It would behoove us to actually look at what we're doing on a daily basis that's preventing us from living this dream life that we've created for ourselves. Or maybe it's just purely the lack of education and awareness about what is possible. I mean, you and I've spoken about it so many times, right?
More... https://entrepreneurssource.com/podcast/possibilities-options-dreams-ep-10-overcoming-obstacles-to-a-successful-mindset/