Jan 02 2024 24 mins
In Parshat Shemot, we read the story of the burning bush, where Moses was charged with a mission. We are often taught that Moses’ job was to take the Israelites out of Egypt, but a close read of the text suggests that there is actually something else Moses also had to do.
Join Ari Levisohn and Evan Weiner as they dive into Moses' encounter with the burning bush and discover allusions to an earlier mission in the Bible, one which sheds light on Moses’ true mission and what it means for a nation under attack.
Check out Rabbi Fohrman’s video about the Korban Pesach (Passover offering) and the Sale of Joseph mentioned in this week’s episode. To learn more about Joseph’s mission to check on his brothers, watch this amazing video from Rabbi Fohrman and this earlier episode of Into the Verse.
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