Jan 30 2024 27 mins
In Parshat Yitro, we read about the revelation at Sinai and the giving of the 10 Commandments. The image of the 10 Commandments is one of the most familiar images from the Torah, but when you read the Sages’ description of the tablets, not only will you be shocked to hear that we may have been depicting the image wrong all along, but we may also be missing an important part of what the 10 Commandments are all about.
Join Ari Levisohn and Daniel Loewenstein as they explore the Sages’ words and discuss the powerful implications of a new way to see the 10 Commandments.
To hear Rabbi Fohrman's complete interview on the podcast excerpted in this week's episode, listen here.
To learn more about the suzerain-vassal treaties Ari discusses, check out this article.
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