Dark Force Rising | Chapter 24 | The Lost Holocron

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Nov 27 2024 70 mins  

Chapter 24 of Star Wars: Dark Force Rising (1992) (EU: 9 ABY) by Timothy Zahn.

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## The Story So Far ##

Leia captured one of her attempted Noghri abductors on Kashyyyk. In the interrogation, the operative Khabarakh identified her as Lord Vader’s heir. Leaning on his people’s reverence for Vader, Leia offered Khabarakh his freedom in exchange for an embassy on his home planet.

Leia, Chewbacca and C-3PO go to Endor in the Millenium Falcon. They transfer to Khabarakh’s ship and he takes them to the devastated world of Honoghr. They try to avoid Imperial detection but Khabarakh’s ship is confiscated. After analysis reveals Wookiee hair throughout the ship, Khabarakh is taken into Imperial custody for treason, then left in the capital of Nystao. The Imperial Grand Admiral mysteriously disappears, so Leia plans to break into Nystao and escape with Khabarakh.

During her stay, the Khim’bar Maitrakh shares the history of the Noghri people and how they came to be in the service of the Empire after a calamitous space battle wreaks planet-wide ecological collapse. Chewbacca's estimations of the decontamination effort place the disaster at the height of the Galactic Civil War, and Leia feels guilt at the untold collateral damage caused by their struggle against the Empire.

## Chapter 24 ##

Leia is more-or-less prepared to steal Khabarakh out of Nystao. Leia is too busy to heed C-3PO’s concerns over an unusually curious decon droid. The Maitrakh tells of when her fisrtsons were conscripted by the Empire, revealing that Khabarakh is not her third-born son, but her great-grandson; meaning the calamity happened during the Clone Wars almost half a century before! Indignant, Leia is determined to bring it directly before the Dynasts.

She orders Chewbacca to test the khlom-grass. The Maitrakh leaves herself to send word ahead. They leave the village by speeder under the cover of night. A large congregation follws them from each village they pass.

They are brought to the Grand Dukha. Dynast Vor’corkh is defiant to allow an alien interfering with their politics. Leia calls her lightsaber forth with the Force to demonstrate her authority as the mal’ary’ush. Dynast Ir’khaim and a supermajority of dissenters call to hear Leia’s proclamations.

Leia holds up the analysis of the supposed khlom-grass to show that they are genetic forgeries created by the Empire and that the decontamination effort a ruse.

An overly-curious decon droid is skulking behind the Grand Dukha. Leia orders its capture in exchange for proof. The droid is no match for the Noghri hunters. She opens the droid to reveal an espionage droid and a tube of decon fluid. With one drop, the plant shrivels up, demonstrating the true function of the decon droids.

Vindicated, the Dynasts agree to a cover story of Khabarakh's escape. Leia promises to return with more herbicide for the imitation khlom-grass. To save precious time season’s end, Leia decides to return straight for Coruscant, intending to leave the Falcon in orbit around Endor.

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