Dec 18 2024 62 mins
Chapter 27 of Star Wars: Dark Force Rising (1992) (EU: 9 ABY) by Timothy Zahn.
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## The Story So Far ##
Karrde has been sitting on the location of the Katana Fleet for many years, waiting for the most profitable opportunity to sell this knowledge. Unwittingly betrayed by Mara Jade, Thrawn captured the smuggler to extract the coordinates.
Even after the death of the Emperor, Mara is compelled to enact his revenge upon Skywalker, but he is the only person she could ask for help. She found him having followed C'baoth's call. They clashed with the mad Jedi and left him unconscious at his castle. Together, they freed Karrde and set course for Coruscant.
Thrawn has also been tracking a splinter faction lead by Garm Bel Iblis. Bel Iblis had acquired six of the Katana dreadnaughts, and after meeting with Han and Lando, gave them a contact for his supplier. Not careful enough, they were tracked by ship thief Niles Ferrier. The Empire intercepted and made away with the supplier.
On Coruscant, Fey'lya stalled a full-blown recovery effort in favour of an investigatory team. Knowing that the clock is running down, Karrde sent Mara to regroup their organisation and had Leia commission a rogue team to arrive ahead of Fey'lya’s hand-picked one.
## Chapter 27 ##
Luke, Han, Lando, Chewbacca, and Wedge arrive at the coordinates. Luke guided by the Force, directs the boarding party to the fleet’s flagship and namesake, the Katana. Luke and Han lead one team to the bridge, while Lando and Chewbacca head another to engineering. The Katana is eerily pristine, but in spite of that, the sublight drives are inoperable, indicating a cumbersome recovery operation.
Fey’lya, Karrde, and Leia arrive in the command suite aboard the Quenfis. From the bridge, Captain Virgilio hails Han to surrender and turn themselves into their custody. Han encourages Wedge to back down before cutting his own comm.
It’s at this moment that the Imperial Star Destroyer Judicator drops out of hyperspace, immediately launching their own boarding party. Rogue Squadron moves to engage, but Fey’lya demands Captain Virgilio to prepare to retreat. Before Leia can add her voice, Fey’lya cuts the intercom to the bridge and presses his authority; brandishing a blaster for emphasis.
On the Katana, Han fires a single, deterring turbolaser lance before the batteries overload. Without recourse, they regroup towards the hangar to repel the incoming Imperials.
Aboard Quenfis, Fey’lya admonishes Leia for her sentimentality for soldiers. Karrde drops a surreptitious message for Leia to turn on the intercom. She uses her Jedi powers to activate every comm unit while Karrde sets up Fey’lya to confess his political self-interest. With Fey’lya’s cold denouncement of the lives of soldiers, Captain Virgilio orders the Quenfis to full battle readiness, and has him placed under guard.
The Chimaera is waiting at a nearby staging area when it receives the engagement report from the Judicator. Before they can jump to assist, C’baoth arrives, demanding to speak with Thrawn. The Peremptory is ordered to go in the Chimaera’s stead. Pellaeon and Thrawn share quiet concerns that C’baoth is becoming ungovernable.
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