Jan 01 2025 71 mins
Chapter 29 of Star Wars: Dark Force Rising (1992) (EU: 9 ABY) by Timothy Zahn.
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## The Story So Far ##
Grand Admiral Thrawn has been plotting the downfall of the Rebellion. Since his return from the Unknown Region, he has discovered the Emperor’s Wayland Storehouse of technological prototypes. Taking ysalamiri from Myrkr, they discovered clone Jedi Joruus C’baoth and made an alliance; C’baoth’s battle meditation to augment the Imperial warfront, in exchange for the capture of Force-sensitives Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo. Thrawn claimed the technology held within Mount Tantiss and established a new Imperial military outpost.
Warships are in short supply between the two factions, and with the re-emergence of the Katana Fleet, both superpowers race to find it. The New Republic joins forces with Karrde’s Smugglers and Garm Bel Iblis’s Rogue Rebel Faction in the final hours of the race. They arrive too late to claim the entire Katana Fleet, but manage to repel the Imperials from possessing the last fifteen ships (including the Flagship, the Katana itself) by ramming one of the dreadnaughts into Imperial Star Destroyer Peremptory. Thrawn and C’baoth’s alliance has been an unsteady one, and at that critical point C’baoth used his unnerving Force-powers to coerce an audience to renegotiate their agreement, having forced Thrawn to send the now-destroyed Peremptory in his stead.
## Chapter 29 ##
Luke uses the Force to achieve the impossible task of locating Mara among the debris of the space battle. She is barely alive and rushed to a medical frigate by Karrde's people. Luke wonders why she was so important to save. Although already on his way back to the Katana, Han radios to hasten his return. They look down at the dead Imperial soldiers of the boarding party, suddenly understanding how the Empire plans to crew their new dreadnaught fleet.
Elsewhere aboard the Chimaera, Thrawn and C'baoth bristle over their current alliance. To place himself in a position that he cannot be overlooked or discarded, C'baoth declares himself overseer of the Mount Tantiss Project: the Imperial Spaarti cloning operation.
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