Apr 24 2024 25 mins
This week's conversation takes a deep yet spirited look at how erotica can be a gateway to enhanced intimacy, delighting both individuals and couples, irrespective of their sexual appetite. Shiloh and I celebrate the notion of reading as a couple, promoting it as a conduit to a more profound and shared erotic exploration. By the end of our exchange, you'll find yourself considering how erotica might play a role in your own life - be it as a solitary pleasure or a shared adventure - and how storytelling in the bedroom can be as tantalizing as the act itself. Join us for a dialogue that promises an educational foray into the enticing world of erotica, with a dash of fairy tale whimsy sprinkled throughout.
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Love UR G
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Let’s talk about sex with- Stephanie Smith assumes no responsibility or any errors or omissions in the content of this site. Thoughts and opinions expressed belong solely to ME and is not intended to do harm to any individual. BUT- it is the TRUTH so WAKE UP! The information contained in this site is provided on an "...