Jul 12 2022 52 mins
Have you ever considered what kind of leader you are? Dr. Denise Berger helps corporations and grad students identify the why behind what we do and our core values. In this conversation, Dr. D shares practical tips and her story of leading with empathy & courage during 911.
Please take a listen and share your takeaways!
Guest Bio:
Dr. Denise Berger
Aliki Designs | alikidesigns.com
CSR Consulting : Gazelle Advisors | itcsr.com
"By collaborating, lending expertise, and educating, I strive to develop ethical, intelligent and responsible leaders who achieve their goals while cultivating a thriving society for all. Much of my work focuses on strategic development of sophisticated social responsibility designs, that are implementable and marketable. In so doing, I find that this includes fine-tuning organizational culture, building leadership skills, optimizing team efficacy, and honing organizational strategic planning. I have held significant roles in managing multinational operations and have qualified expertise in social responsibility, risk management, international business, and organizational leadership.
I hold a Doctor of Education from Pepperdine University in Organizational Leadership and completed my dissertation on Corporate Social Responsibility. In my dissertation, Doing it the Right Way, I identified the leading American Fortune 500 global corporations and analyzed why and how they do “itCSR” – a sophisticated level of CSR. I received my MBA in Marketing and International Business from Fordham University and a BA in History from Colgate University.
I presently teach Leadership & Service, as well as Program Evaluation, in the Social Entrepreneurship & Change Master’s Program at Pepperdine University, and I teach Leading Inclusive Organizations in Vanderbilt University’s Leadership and Learning in Organizations Doctoral Program. I am a consultant and founding partner of Gazelle Advisors, working alongside for-profit and non-profit leaders. We focus on strategic development including marketing, organizational culture effectiveness, building businesses with purpose, financial excellence, and equity, diversity & inclusion initiatives. Prior to this, I was a Managing Director at Aon Risk Services, a global insurance broker and consultant. In this role, I ran the East Coast operations of the Global Business Unit. I am a board member for Environmental Charter Schools, Open Temple and Lionsraw. I am a partner at Social Justice Partners LA wherein I have worked with several non-profit leaders, including SVP’s Fast Pitch participants. I have been a TedX coach and an Annenberg/CNN Hero Fast Pitch coach. Lastly, I am the founder and designer of Aliki Designs - Greek-inspired, handcrafted, everyday elegant jewelry, wherein I do everything from design, to manufacturing, to marketing and sales."