Feb 17 2023 19 mins
In episode 8 of The Indoor Rower, Tony discusses strategies for 2000 metre (2K) races. This episode is specifically related to the upcoming World Indoor Rowing Championships in Canada, followed by the C.R.A.S.H - B’s in early March.
Tony discusses numerous strategies available, why certain strategies aren’t the best for 2K races, his strategy for a 2K race and developing a race strategy with your
training, allowing you to be better prepared and confident going into a 2K race.
Key Points
0:00 Introduction
0:35 - Tony explains how putting together a strategy for a 2K race is important to have the greatest success and not to 'Fly and Die'.
3:01 - Tony talks about the ‘Defending the Lead’ strategy.
4:25 - Tony details the ‘Even Splits’ strategy.
6:01 - Tony explains the ‘Negative Splitting’ strategy.
7:27 - Tony discusses his normal strategy for a 2K race.
9:02 - Tony details why understanding your stroke rate helps you to be competitive.
11:30 - Tony talks about developing race strategy with your training.
17:17 - Tony explains the how dropping your split the final 500 meters can make a huge difference in a 2K race.
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