Aug 13 2023 55 mins
In our most organized, funniest, and purely Forza-focused episode yet, we tackle one of the biggest question marks about the upcoming Forza Motorsport game: will Fujimi Kaido be there? We've got an answer by breaking it down methodically and based on some interesting things we've come across. Aren was feeling especially negative about a few things, taking the reigns on this week's Complaint Corner for the first time ever about the Italian Cars that were recently added to Horizon 5 and some of the suspect car choices, and even the manufacturer wheel choices. From there, Jason gets particularly riled up about the lack of additional manufacturer wheel choices available for each car, and also the lack of customization options available in the Paint Booth. No F*** That Car this week due to the unusual level of quality (baseless) rants and great points! We round out this episode with arguably our funniest moment yet regarding a very recent giveaway.
If you're new to the show, this is a great episode to start with, and if this isn't your first rodeo, buckle up - Episode 15 is our best yet.