Apr 05 2024 18 mins
Listen and get insights into Tech Roles in GenAI Times in this talk with Nahia Orduña, Technical Leader Strategic Accounts at Amazon Web Services and co-author—together with Slavik Dimitrovich—of the book The Solutions Architects of the Future: Conversations about Tech Roles in GenAI times.
We talk about the relevance of Tech Roles in the age of Generative AI - especially the role of Solutions Architects; explore how Generative AI is helping Solution Architects; the importance of mentoring in the field of Solution Architecture, and how trust plays a significant role in this; what the future of the Solutions Architect role might hold; and how Artificial Intelligence is impacting all areas of business to achieve greater efficiency and creativity simultaneously.
Guest Info
- LinkedIn: Nahia Orduña
- LinkedIn: Amazon Web Services
- Book: The Solution Architects of the Future: Conversations about the Tech Roles in GenAI times
- Website: AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate
- Website: AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional
- Website: PartyRock.aws - Everyone can build AI apps
- YouTube: AWS Events
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