Order a copy of The Testimony today: https://www.amazon.com/Testimony-Calvin-Lewis-Daniel-Friend/dp/B0BGSK61LY/
Sen. Calvin Lewis and the Federalist senators make a final push for their governmental restructuring bill.
About The Testimony of Calvin Lewis:August Williams, a World War III veteran, is recruited by the government to test the new Uberman Device, which allows access to memories in a vivid, dreamlike state. But with a warning from a mysterious Man in Gray, August is unsure of who to trust.
Told from the perspective of a U.S. Senator, The Testimony of Calvin Lewis blends together a political conspiracy, science fiction, and Christian philosophy. The story draws heavily upon works like C.S. Lewis’ Abolition of Man and Augustine’s Confessions, probing humanity’s restless search for objective Truth.
Soon to be published as a novel, The Testimony of Calvin Lewis is first being released as a theatrical podcast complete with music, sound effects, and a cast of voice actors.
This episode features voice acting by Daniel Friend, Brigit Fitzgerald, Jordan Forsythe, Eric Allen, Sarah Mokry, and Kevin Clay.
Original theme by SimonY Music.
Cover art by Duncan Shaffer.
Music licensed from Musicbed includes: “Spiriteaux” by Tony Anderson; “Oyarsa (feat. Timbre)” by Tony Anderson; “Emerge” by Tony Anderson; “Adagio No. 2” by Max LL; “Movements” by Max LL; “Edge of the Sea - Instrumental” by Future of Forestry; “Rest” by Future of Forestry; and “Rest - Instrumental” by Future of Forestry.
For more information and a way to listen to all available episodes, please visit: danieljfriend.com/thetestimony/