A vomiting out of sorrow and disappointment

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Nov 21 2024 35 mins  

I speak a vomiting out of sorrow and disappointment from within you.

I speak renewal in the stagnant and murky places.

I speak a release in areas which have been pushed down, suppressed, forgotten.

I say RISE daughter of the Lord, RISE! And receive new life new life new life NOW,

by the Holy Spirit.

There was some powerful Holy Spirit proclamation. Activation. And REVELATION!

Also - have you followed my new IG @warriordaughtersrising yet?

Once I get past the 30 day new account requirement I will be going live there regularly in my mornings to speak to the WARRIOR DAUGHTERS of the Lord. With whatever He gives me!!

Keep listening to hear all of the things!

Hi, I'm Katrina Ruth. Over the past nearly 2 decades I've been blessed to have brought through me a multiple 8-figure coaching brand online. I have a new ministry Katrina Ruth Ministries, and God has taken over the 'show' at the coaching business The Katrina Ruth Show.

I write, speak, create and share whatever He leads me to each day. Always Spirit-led.

I run programs and courses for faith-led entrepreneurs who desire to walk their true path of destiny in Him. And to see all that SHOULD be come to fruition in their business, wealth, relationships, stewardship of their spiritual and supernatural gifts and anointings - all of it.

I am a prolific creator and have created over 300 successful courses, workshops, and the like in my nearly 20 years online … and hundreds more which I would not term as so successful. These span all sorts of topics from traditional business, to all elements of online sales and marketing, to money mindset, fitness, and most of all / my favourite … the things which just come through and remind you of how to be YOU.

I learned a long time ago not to question whether it meant I am not 'doing something right' to keep creating.

I was born to let things through. It is like BREATH to me to do so.

Praise the Lord I get to now do it only in what is TRUE!