Dec 19 2023 9 mins
I'm delighted to have worked with some incredible clients this year, including Grain Growers Limited, Surf Lakes, Deloitte and QLD Health. This has enabled us to provide strategy and leadership development support to our pro-bono clients Sea Shepherd Australia and Opportunity International Australia.
It has also been a powerful year of fascinating conversations on the Evolved Leadership Podcast.
To complete 2023, check out our final episode of the year as Episode 35, where I speak about the top insights on the show through the year, and also share a personal example of one of my own recent leadership insights.
The story I share in this episode was prompted by an experience of feeling flat while sharing my own top values of Honesty and Enjoyment with my client group, while facilitating a core leadership development program module. I considered afterwards that much time and life experience had taken place since I arrived at those original values, so I took myself through the values reflection and prioritisation exercise again. And this time the highest values that emerged were Freedom and Inner Harmony.
These resonated much more clearly in terms of where I'm at in my own leadership journey and life. I was reminded of how important it is to revisit your values as needed, as much can change over time that causes values to be reprioritised.
There is a major project that is coming as a result of my own reclarifying of my personal values, which I'll share more on early next year.
For now, have a relaxing and rejuvenating break, and see you in 2024.
To learn more about what it takes to be an evolved leader, and to check out our other podcast episodes, go to: