Jul 05 2023 46 mins
Do you find yourself wanting to prioritize creativity but feeling like you don’t know where to start? How have societal structures and norms impacted your relationship with your wild creative self?
In this episode, Shereen Sun (they/them) joins me to discuss the many reasons we disconnect from our creative selves and how they’re helping others reconnect to their radiant Wildhearts.
Shereen is an artist, author, and acclaimed mentor who specializes in creativity and self-actualization. They have spent their life living on the margins, inviting the creative spirits of others to come out and play. They believe that everyone deserves access to the revolutionary healing power of the arts.
Tune in to hear us discuss...
- Creativity as a wellness practice
- The myth of the wide open space for creativity and making space for play where we can
- The importance of healing our childhood creative wounds
- Shereen’s suggestions for creating a consistent creative practice
- The importance of focusing on the process rather than the end product
Hang out with Shereen...
- Visit Shereen’s Website
- Listen to Wildheart Radio
- Order Radiant Wildheart: A Guide to Awaken Your Inner Artist and Live Your Creative Mission
- Follow Shereen on Instagram
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