Aug 16 2022 73 mins
Primary day is August 23 for everyone in Florida.
In this two parter Haydon and Tony speak to fantastic America First Republican candidates campaigning for selection in the Primaries on August 23rd. On Thursday August 18th listen in to Part 2 when we speak to another four candidates!
In todays episode we talk to;
- Luis Miguel - candidate for FL State House, District 20 (St. John’s, Putnam, Clay and Marion counties)
- Twitter: @LuisMiguelUS
- Johnny Coe Counts - candidate for St. John’s County Commission, District 2 (countywide voting)
- Twitter: @Johnny_Coe
- Gerry James - Candidate for FL State Senate, District 7 (St. John’s, Putnam, Flagler and Volusia counties)
- Twitter: @Vote4Gerry
Luis discussed the serious problems that Florida and the US are facing from the Chinese Communist Party which Luis has written about in the New American.. Links below.
- They worked at CNN for years now they make Propaganda for China
- Is the US being colonized by Communist China