Aug 19 2022 97 mins
Primary day is August 23 for everyone in Florida.
In part 2 Haydon and Tony speak to more fantastic America First Republican candidates campaigning for selection in the Primaries on August 23rd.
Here are the candidates and their websites
- Luna Lopez - candidate for U.S. House, FL-5 (Duval and St. John’s counties)
◦ Twitter: @RealLunaLopez
- Mara Macie - candidate for U.S. House, FL-5 (Duval and St. John’s counties)
◦ Twitter: @MaraMacie
- Erick Aguilar - candidate for U.S. House, FL-4 (Nassau, Duval and Clay counties)
◦ Twitter: @ErickAguilarJAX
We hope you enjoy hearing about these candidates in their own words. Also look out for the interview with Gerry James posted again separately.