This month on the pod, I welcome Rebecca Atwood. Rebecca is a rare talent who is able to carve out paths as both an artist and designer. In this episode, Becca shares what it was like to grow her business from her apartment in Brooklyn to her current studio in Charleston, SC. Becca shares lessons from working in her parent's restaurant on Cape Cod as a teenager, how she found herself at RISD, and how she eventually launched her own company. We talked about what it was like to build a team and a culture for the first time and how she leans on her values, systems, and planning to continue growing. Becca shares what it was like to become a mother and lead when three out of her four team members were on parental leave at the same time(!), how she and her husband moved the business down south during the pandemic, how she prioritizes culture and team building and invests in her employees, and why her creative practice is so valuable to her business.