Oct 21 2024 34 mins
Welcome to episode 5 of 6! Straight into some product reviews again today. Nicola is sharing her new fav store in Brisbane and Jess is Back on the Bissell train!
We're also discusing:
Invisalign fails and hygeine
Nicola's latest reel and boomer vs conscious parenting lols
Our ideas on spoon fed vs baby lead weaning and a little sweet milk tip
To leash or not to leash and crying in the cold
Unsolicited advice from friends and family
Why we don't like the concept of selling sleep- how sometimes the professionals can make you feel like you're doing it all wrong and the damaging effects of not giving options to parents.
The Triple P parenting course - a little online refresher for Jess
Leo's bday and a last minute cake baking sesh for day-care.
Look forward to catching up for our last ep (for now, who knows?) next week!
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Follow us at @mother_unrefined to find out more! And feel free to have a little stalk sesh... @the__unrefined @j.oc__