Jun 05 2023 19 mins 1
If you're anything like me and you've fallen victim to the perfection trap and you've let the fear of not getting it right and not getting it perfect out the gate stop you from even trying, then this episode is for you.
This month in The CULTIVATE Collective (which is my membership community), we are focusing on presence and progress and letting go of the weight of perfection. And honestly, this couldn't have come at a better time.
I've let the fear of not being able to have the perfectly curated podcast stop me from showing up in this space. I've let the fear of being a beginner stop me from signing up for something huge I've wanted to do and from starting something that has been on my heart.
Tune in to find out how I am dancing with the fear and bringing Lizzo's Big Energy into my life!
Quotes from this episode:
"It will be hard but compared to my baby dying in my arms, this is nothing. So I'm doing all the things I want to do in life because this is only one I'll ever get."
Looking to heal your sisterhood wounds? Craving connection and female friendships? I invite you to join us inside The CULTIVATE Collective, the membership for women who are ready to rise out of the ashes of her past and fully embody the woman she is destined to be.If You're ready to go from STUCK to STEPPING BOLDLY in the direction of your dreams, the doors of CULTIVATE are always open.
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