Jan 10 2025 12 mins
Dr. Tatyana Reznik is a practicing physician with over 25 years of clinical experience. She is double board-certified in Internal Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine, a mother, a Certified Life Coach, the host of the Voices of Women Physicians Podcast, and an author. She immigrated to the US over 20 years ago from Uzbekistan where she was a practicing Cardiologist.
In the US, she completed residency training at the University of Nevada, Reno, and has been practicing Hospital Medicine in California since then. She is passionate about helping people improve their health and well-being.
In her coaching practice, she helps women physicians turn their dreams and ideas into reality. Through a combination of mindset shifts as well as practical tips and resources, she helps them leave behind overwhelm and self-doubt so they can create a joyful life.
Additionally, she has been coaching at Physician Coach Support for 3 years where she has helped many physicians relieve burnout and rediscover joy in medicine.
Dr. Reznik co-authored 2 Amazon Bestsellers: a book titled AI in Medicine, and a book about Lifestyle Medicine, How Healers Heal.
In her free time, Dr. Reznik enjoys spending time with family and friends, creating easy and delicious recipes, learning new things, traveling, reading, and photography.
Some of the topics I covered include:
- A simple overview of what lifestyle medicine is
- Macronutrient basics
- How to calculate how many kilocalories per gram are in each type of food
- Overconsumed nutrients and what foods they are mostly located in
- Underconsumed nutrients
- What diet the American College of Lifestyle Medicine supports and why
- How lifestyle medicine interventions can help with Alzheimer’s disease
- How food preparation can affect nutrition value
- How to decrease the amount of Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs) in your food
- How to decrease inflammation
- How the food we eat can affect our mood
- Research findings on the effects of food on depression
- 5 practical tips on how to make lifestyle changes easier
And more!
Learn more about me or schedule a FREE coaching call:
Join the Voices of Women Physicians Facebook Group:
Connect with me:
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/joyfulsuccess
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/tatyana-reznik-md-facp
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/tatyana.reznik.16?mibextid=LQQJ4d
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joyfulsuccessliving/
Email: [email protected]