Feb 16 2024 33 mins
Katie Stibbs: Solo Episode
How Agitation Around My Big Birthday Inspired This Inquiry
Show Notes:
I talk about friendship and inspiring amazing women in my life
Jo Parkes https://theplace.org.uk/profile/jo-parkes
- Exploring how our expectations around important events, people, and situations can cause us feelings of huge disappointment, hurt, and anger.
- Why this happens, and what we can do about it.
- How voicing our true desires, yearnings, and wishes can be a powerful antidote to presuming our loved ones can read our minds.
- Do you actually like surprises or only the surprises you like?
I offer you:
A simple exercise to change the way you relate to your difficult emotions,
And a set of powerful questions for self-inquiry. that tap into your innate wisdom.
Find Katie Here:
Email: [email protected]
Powerful change work to return you to your most empowered resourceful state
Practical protocols: To change any habits behaviors and thought processes and beliefs
that are holding you back, from experiencing your desired life
Tools to simplify your life and achieve happy success by embracing your authentic self.