Dec 20 2022 44 mins
In this episode, I talk to Hannah Thompson, Professor of French and Critical Disability studies at Royal Holloway, University of London, who describes herself as partially blind and is an expert in audio description. She recently co-created a FutureLearn course on audio description called ‘Creating Audio Description: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion’, which explores how to design and create audio descriptions and audio introductions for TV, film and theatre, and she's full of fascinating insights on how audio description can become part of the creative process which ultimately makes a better artistic product, whilst improving the audio description experience for the user.
Hannah Thompson
Future Learn course - Creating Audio Description: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
The Smartify app (sign up and search for The Royal Holloway Art Gallery)
Play Flightpaths by Extant
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Vocaleyes website
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