May 09 2023 44 mins
Aaron and Sylvia talk with Italo Pardo about the importance of empirically-grounded anthropological studies of corruption. As one of the earliest anthropologists committed to the explicit study of corruption, Italo draws on his work in both Italy and the UK to illustrate his attention to the interplay between legality, legitimacy, and morality. Of particular interest to Italo are those instances of corruption or abuses of power that do not technically break the law, but that do break citizens’ trust. Such legal yet illegitimate forms of corruption are especially insidious as they enjoy the credentials of legality and therefore cannot be punished. We discuss examples of this in the context of Italy’s tangentopoli (bribesville) scandal, the UK’s National Health Service, and in Italo’s ethnographic research with fox hunters. Italo also shares what aspects of British anti-corruption efforts Italians find most surprising: their lack of legislation around corruption!
Some of Italo Pardo's published works include:
2023. Pardo, I. Ed. (with G. B. Prato), The Legitimacy of Healthcare and Public Health: Anthropological Perspectives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Forthcoming
2019. (with G. B. Prato). Legitimacy: Ethnographic and Theoretical Insights. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
2004. I. Pardo ed. Between Morality and the Law: Corruption, Anthropology and Comparative Societies Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing. Reprinted by Routledge 2016
Some of Italo Pardo's ongoing activities include:
The book The Legitimacy of Healthcare and Public Health: Anthropological Perspectives (Palgrave Macmillan) is now out. The link is: The Legitimacy of Healthcare and Public Health: Anthropological Perspectives | SpringerLin
April 2023. A public lecture on “Politicized Urban Heritage” at the Tbilisi State University, Georgia: and
2023 Field Training School and Research Seminar on Urban Research: Theory and Methods:
2023 International Conference on Forms of Inequality and the Legitimacy of Governance: