Dec 05 2024 36 mins
Have you ever thought about how environmental principles could translate into consumer insight? Not necessarily in the sense of more sustainable approach to the practice of market research, (although that is clearly very important) but evaluating how we can take learnings from the interaction of natural ecosystems and apply those to understandings of businesses and their interactions with consumers….nope, me neither!
Well, fortunately, the brilliant Erin Sowell of Thoughtful Research has done exactly that. Erin is the emerging leaders representative for the MRC and has developed her framework in association with the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia and among other areas we cover:
- What is ecosystem science?
- How principles from the natural world interrelate with business
- The LEARN, ADAPT and ENGINEER frameworks
- Intersections and differences with traditional market research
- The Emerging Leaders program at the MRC
All episodes available at
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