Oct 31 2024 50 mins 23
What happens when two sets of threat researchers from Talos and Splunk's SURGe team meet? Aside from some highly controversial opinions and omissions about the best horror movie, the team discuss what security trends are FUD, and what's actually fearful/ most challenging at the moment. Also, what is the security industry not aware of enough, and also too aware of? Plus some thoughts on cybersecurity awareness training and how we can do better.
This is a great conversation facilitated by SURGe's Mick Baccio, with Joe Marshall and Nick Biasini from Talos, and Tamara Chacon and Audra Streetman from SURGe.
Catch up on all the latest and greatest threat research from our friends at SURGe at https://www.splunk.com/en_us/surge.html