Sep 27 2024 44 mins
After a 4 moth hiatus..... WE'RE BACK!
In this episode we're updating you on all the things that have been going on behind the scenes including our new collaborations, partnerships, and how much fun we've been having!
We also dive into the fantasy of transactional sex with your partner. Is it okay to to make sex transactional? Doesn't that take away from your intimacy? Spoilers..... HELL NO it doesn't! When explored through the lens of fantasy and in ways that can actually facilitate MORE intimacy, transactional sex can be a ton of fun!
Mentioned in this episode
@wildflowerintimates Grace at wildflower intimates might have THE best lingerie shop on the planet! She offers free bra fittings that will have you questioning WHY you never had a proper one done as well as some of the most amazing undergarments you will ever see. In fact, Casey and Kari will be hosting an intro to Shibari workshop at Wildflower on November 15th, 2024!
@madisonfromdallas We are happy to be going through rebranding with THE madison from dallas. You may have seen here recent work featuring artists like the meteoric Chapelle Roan. We were elated to eb able to hang with Madison. Her work is PHENOMENAL!
@shibaristudios Shibari studio is THE premier studio in Fort Worth for both seasoned and new Shibari enthusiasts. Whether you are new to the ropes or an experienced Rigger or Bunny, Shibari studios offers a safe and consent driven environment to explore your rope fantasies. All memberships include a background check and waiver to ensure safety for all participants. They also offer courses from intro classes to advanced suspension classes and even world class performances! USE CODE CWKC1023 at checkout from for $25 off your membership good through October 31st 2024.