Jul 28 2024 32 mins
Madonna’s first Domestic Violence situation, didn’t start until about ten years into her first marriage. Madonna has had other relationships where she experienced both emotional and physical abuse. We pick up here story from the end of Part One when we left you concerned for her well-being and safety as her partner had his hands around her neck.
In late March, early April, he was in the shower we were perfectly okay we were just going to the shops…no fights, no agression, no moodiness…nothing, and he came out of the shower, he leant over me I thought I was going to get a cuddle or a kiss or something nice, and he put his hands around my throat!
Listen to the concluding Part Two of Madonna’s story and learn about what she considered were “Pink Flags” as opposed to Red Flags.
If any of the content in this episode has caused you any concern, please reach out to Lifeline or a similar organisation in your country.
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Our community of survivors is here for you. Please know this… “You’re not alone in your pain, and, you have the ability to rise above the tragedy life has placed upon you.”
Jennifer B
Theme music courtesy of https://www.purple-planet.com