Dec 09 2024 4 mins
Screening of patients in hospital emergency departments for concussions and other types of traumatic brain injury is challenging due to the many ways symptoms may manifest.
Repeated studies have shown that emergency departments often fail to properly diagnose concussions leading to the inability of individuals to receive timely or proper treatment.
And even when a concussion is diagnosed, there is often a failure to assess the patient for a risk of future consequences previously called the post-concussion syndrome and now known as persistent post concussive symptoms.
A new study emphasizes the need to screen patients for ocular difficulties in the emergency department as an accurate tool to assess the risk of developing long term post-concussion consequences.
The study examines screening for convergence insufficiency symptoms.
Convergence insufficiency affects the ability of both eyes to work together to form a single image resulting from damage to the nerves controlling eye muscles.
Common symptoms include visual fatigue, double vision, headaches, or trouble concentrating.
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Brain Injury Insider is a weekly podcast by The Brain Injury Law Firm ®, De Caro & Kaplen, LLP.
Host Michael Kaplen is a passionate advocate of the rights of brain injury survivors, and has been fighting on their behalf for over 40 years.
De Caro & Kaplen, LLP
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