Mar 20 2024 30 mins
Big emotions. We all have them. Sometimes they're hard, sometimes joyful, sometimes just plain overwhelming. So what can you do with them?
In today's episode we dive into just that, including:
- The rules and feedback that can get in the way of feeling and showing our emotions, like being told you're too emotional or that you need to be polite and not show anger
- How to create space for your emotions and welcome them in, even when it's uncomfortable
- Practices to move with your feelings and release them
- How to use your emotions as information about what's important to you, what needs to change, etc.
- Learn more about Heather's keynote on Surviving To Thriving - A New Way To Manage Burnout (and her other speaking topics, too!)
- Get signed, hardcover copies of Grounded Wildness on Heather's website and the audiobook, ebook, and hardcover on Amazon
- Join Heather's email list and also get The Ultimate Guide To Saying No and Setting Boundaries At Work!