Dec 31 2024 22 mins 1
How do you know if your teen is truly making progress? As parents, we often cling to our own standards, like better grades or sticking to curfews. These are the markers we cling to as evidence that the therapy or treatment is “working.” But what if the signs you’re looking for aren’t the ones that matter most?
Because, our teens? They’re navigating their own priorities and often finding progress in ways that are less visible to us. They often grow in ways that don’t align with our expectations as parents.
In this episode, I’m joined once again by Ciara Fanlo, a former “troubled teen” turned mentor for adolescents and their families. Together, we dive into the complicated dynamic between the signs of progress parents look for and the often very different changes teens experience.
I’ve been there myself with my wilderness kid. I remember practically falling apart because he kept breaking curfew over and over again when hanging out with friends, while he was actually feeling proud because he noticed he was starting to make some real connections.
In this episode, Ciara and I explore how you can expand your understanding of what change and progress look like for your teen.
In this episode on recognizing your teen’s progress, we discuss:
- The disconnect between parents’ expectations and teens’ lived experiences of change;
- Why transition periods after treatment are so challenging and how to approach them with compassion;
- How to identify subtle signs of growth and development in your teen;
- Balancing boundaries with an understanding of your teen’s priorities;
- And more!
Looking for support?
🗺️Need help setting healthy boundaries with your teen AND following through? My free guide will help you do so by creating your own Parent Home Plan!
🤍Influence lasting change in yourself and your struggling teen with my private coaching or parent group program specifically created for parents of struggling teens.
Have a question or need support? You can email me at [email protected]
More about Ciara Fanlo
Ciara Fanlo is a former “troubled teen” who now supports struggling adolescents and their families. After recovering from her own challenging years, she founded Homing Instinct to share what she learned from her experiences. Ciara now provides personalized mentorship and coaching for teens as they navigate the transformative and tumultuous journey of becoming a young adult in today’s world.
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And remember parents, the change begins with us.