Jan 09 2025 31 mins
What are the clinical tools in your play therapy and expressive arts toolbox and how do you use those tools effectively with your young clients?
Engaging strong clinical decision-making skills when using an integrated approach in play therapy and expressive arts treatment is just as important as if you are applying one specific play therapy theoretical model.
Theory drives application so you need to understand the theoretical underpinnings of the intervention to effectively and accurately use the intervention to help your young clients.
Clinical decision-making helps you answer these questions:
o Is the model a good fit for my clients?
o How is this model applied in the treatment process and does it vary based on my client’s age and developmental stage?
o How does therapeutic rapport impact the treatment process and how is therapeutic rapport used in this play therapy/expressive arts model?
What happens if you don’t apply strong clinical decision-making skills?
Tune in to this podcast episode, I'll discuss the role of clinical decision-making using the “tools” in your “toolbox.”
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I work with individuals and agencies to develop successful strategies and meet the treatment needs of your child and adolescent clients and their families using play therapy & expressive arts.
Contact me to schedule a free 30-minute video call if you're ready to level up your skills