Aug 11 2021 6 mins
Episode 98 - If there is one thing that many newspaper do, is to grab attention at whatever the cost. Unfortunately, the 'lip reading experts' headline tends to attract a lot of attention. But at the same time, it damages the perception of what lip reading is.
Yet, certain tabloid newspapers can't help but use them all the time when they want to snoop in and get an "expert" to come in and reveal all. But as someone who has been surviving and heavily dependent on lip reading (like many other deaf people, I know that it's not that straightforward. This makes it ever the more frustrating when those misleading headlines give the impression that anyone can lipread and it is 100% effective and accurate.
But I can promise you right now; lip reading is not straightforward.
So what exactly am I talking about? You can find out in this episode where you can also access all the resources, including transcripts..
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