Aug 26 2024 15 mins
Have you ever felt trapped by your own high standards, constantly striving for flawless performance but finding yourself exhausted and unfulfilled? You're not alone. Many women working in male-dominated fields like property and construction grapple with the relentless pursuit of perfection.
That’s why I want to break down what perfectionism is, what it isn’t, and the grim consequences it can have. Don’t worry though, I’ll also be sharing three practical tips to help you break free from its grasp.
What Is Perfectionism?
Perfectionism is the tendency to set excessively high standards for oneself and to strive for flawless work. This goes hand in hand with critical self-evaluation and a constant concern about others' opinions. In our professional realms, this often manifests in over-preparing and an extreme attention to detail, which can drive dissatisfaction and burnout.
The implications of perfectionism are extensive. It keeps us entrenched in procrastination, avoiding risks, and staying within our comfort zones. This impasse limits our potential and opportunities—straining not just our stress levels but also our relationships and overall productivity. Speaking from personal experience as a recovering perfectionist, I know how easy it is to spend too much time planning and to hesitate in delegating tasks—a habit that ultimately stunts our growth.
So, how can we move away from this perfectionist mindset and start taking more impactful action? Here are three tips to help you break free from perfectionism:
1. Focus on High-Value Work
Shift your focus to high-value tasks—those that are critical to your role and cannot be delegated. Eliminate tasks that don't add value, and delegate where possible. For example, while preparing a presentation, you might focus on crafting the key messages and desired outcomes, while a junior team member handles formatting.
2. Set Boundaries Around Time and Effort
Planning and adhering to time constraints is essential. According to Parkinson's Law, work expands to fill the time allocated to it. Therefore, setting definite time limits for tasks can prevent perfectionist tendencies from taking over. You’ll also need to accept that not everything has to meet an A+ standard; sometimes B or B- work is perfectly adequate.
3. Practise a Growth Mindset
Our careers are a journey, and every day we have opportunities to improve. Embrace feedback, review what worked and what didn’t, and make necessary adjustments. Show up intentionally with a growth mindset, understanding that discomfort is part of the process, but it will lead to exponential career growth and fulfilment.
I know letting go of perfectionism isn’t as easy as I’ve made it sound. It’s difficult and uncomfortable - trust me, I've been there. But once you start releasing the need for everything to be perfect, you'll find you have so much more time and energy for the stuff that really matters.
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